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Mezonos Maven wrote:

” Insofar as dress codes and “uniforms” are concerned, Bnei Torah and Jews have always dressed differently than society at large. And we always had a limited uniform that we conformed to. “

if it’s emes and sheker we are worried about … this statement is simply sheker. Absolutely untrue and there are hundreds if not thousands of pictures to prove it. a litvish yeshiva student in many pre-war European yeshivos were clean shaven and wore stylish suits and hats. when walking in the street they fit right in with the general crowd.

i also find it fascinating that in this entire conversation regarding uniform no one has mentioned the only real uniforms that we have, as ordered by the commander in chief – tzitzis & tefilin. all the rest are social norms that change. When i went to one of the big yeshivos in NY they didnt allow wire frame glasses. 5 years later the roshei yeshiva were wearing them.

Let’s stop obsessing on the tafel.

BTW – for all those who proclaim themselves soldiers in the army of hashem based on their “levush”. I’m curious if you have made the effort and spent the time to fully know the language that Hashem uses to command his army. While we’re squabbling about the color of the shirt, most yeshiva guys don’t know the difference between a Hebrew word in binyan kal v.s. binyan hif’il. This difference gives an an entirely different meaning to the word. Pretty hard to be a soldier in the army, if you barely understand what the commander in chief is saying.

Attention ! Get back to basics !