Reply To: Reporting News Events – Proper or Chilul HaShem?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Reporting News Events – Proper or Chilul HaShem? Reply To: Reporting News Events – Proper or Chilul HaShem?

YW Moderator-72

the thread has not been closed.

and to quote you this time “On a different note:”

this is not a question of someone doing something wrong being in denial as you assert… each person can check with own halachic guide to determine whether or not they should be on this site. I did…

Those that scream L’H and it is forbidden may have already received their psak saying that it is… in that case, they do not belong here – plain and simple…*

If they didn’t ask and they paskened this all by themselves, as soon as they came to the conclusion that it is L’H, by their own decision they have stay away…*


*to hide under the guise of leto’eles is a flimsy excuse at best being as another requirement is that you have to have a reasonable assurance that it will be listened to. generally speaking it is the same cast of characters that make the same claims… over and over and over again…