Reply To: Ignoring The Social Drinking Problem

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Mi Keamcha, you think that we are making too much of this, when in fact, the problem is even worse and more pervasive and insidious than you think! I live next door to a Yeshivah, and the UNDERAGE boys get HAMMERED on Purim and Simchas Torah. I have seen boys throwing up on my lawn. These boys were not even 17, much less of legal age to drink. One boy had to be brought by Hatzalah to a local hospital, suffering from acute intoxication. Another one crashed into the local UPS trick during Shalach manos deliveries taht the boy was making in his father’s car, and wrecked the car , dented the UPS truck, and grinned stupidly as the UPS guy read him the riot act. I found out, because the non-Jewish very nice UPS guy stopped by my house to deliver something for my neighbor who was not home, and he asked me if getting smashed was a religious thing. What a chillul Hashem this was!