Reply To: YESHIVAS: Alef & Beis Or Same Level?

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues YESHIVAS: Alef & Beis Or Same Level? Reply To: YESHIVAS: Alef & Beis Or Same Level?

1st timer

I agree with Estherh. A high school boy is not yet mature enough to be in an Aleph/smarter class and not let it get to his head. The Rebbe should be able to creatively teach to a blended class where everyone learns to his potential. Also, tests/Bechinas can be done at different levels without anyone knowing about it. Each boy can feel accomplished according to his ability. The confidence level of a boy that is put into a Baiz or Gimmel class can be destoyed from the minute he enters high school until he finishes. Most boys never advance to the next level, if anything they will go downward. Why start off in this situation? The boys have enough pressures to begin with, why add more?