Reply To: Arrowsmith Learning Program – Strengthen Your Child’s Brain

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Arrowsmith Learning Program – Strengthen Your Child’s Brain Reply To: Arrowsmith Learning Program – Strengthen Your Child’s Brain

1st timer

100% yes! The Arrowsmith program helps with all skills including reading and writing. Most children with learning difficulties have reading and handwriting difficulties, too. It will not only bring up his/her reading and comprehension in English,it will improve all Kriah/reading/comprehension issues. Also the same concept with math, logic, mishnayos, gemorrah, Chumash. Personally speaking, my son did not do well in any subject. This past year, he took 6 arrowsmith classes every day. He was in his regular classroom only for Gemorrah and 2 english classes. I can’t explain to you the excitement we all had when he finally “chapped” a difficult gemorrah piece and repeated it to us with clarity and understanding. He wasn’t just repeating memorized information like he was used to doing. Please understand that the program is NOT a magic pill. The children work very hard, but after time you will see results. It’s like any other exercize routine-you work the muscle long enough, it will get stronger.