Reply To: Arrowsmith Learning Program – Strengthen Your Child’s Brain

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Arrowsmith Learning Program – Strengthen Your Child’s Brain Reply To: Arrowsmith Learning Program – Strengthen Your Child’s Brain


Some of this is starting to sound like propaganda instead of sincere presentation of information.

Arrowsmith may be a great program, but it doesn’t need you to belittle other approaches in order to toot its horn.

Most approaches are certainly *not* bandaid approaches, and to present them as such is deceptive. Properly provided therapy works with the brain to change how the brain processes, interprets, and stores information. Vision, reading, and language therapy, among others, have changed children for life. Experienced LD specialists have changed the course of childrens’ academic and social future. Terming them as “bandaid” makes you sound gimmicky and silly, and compromises the integrity of your presentation.

From what I understand, Arrowsmith is a wonderful program, and deserves mention in the array of choices available to help children.