Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year


AZOI.IS: So you are telling me that these parents had no expectations to pay tuition (“The school is located in an area where parents were by and large not encouraged to seek higher education”) or have the ability to educate their own children, yet still we (as the frum world) want these children to have the Jewish Education as an absolute requirement that their parents are unwilling to provide?

PERHAPS (I am not a Posek, and I know this is strong, but) these children have halachic dinim of Yesomim (one whose parents are not willing to take care of their own children) and SHOULD be supported by the community?

Does anyone else agree with this assessment?

As for Joseph: It is quite a bit more than that by me (without getting into too much detail), and as I do not have anything to do with Hanhala, I can not give numbers as you did. I imagine there are tuition breaks as well, or perhaps they do work for the school; I don’t know.

I got the numbers I used from AZOI:IS “I think the average is quite a bit under 400 a month, with many unable to pay that at the present time.”