Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year

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kapusta: “BYOB calls themselves a Bais Yaakov because thats how they would like to be known. PPY calls themselves a Yeshiva because thats how they want to be known. Its not that one is bad and the other good. Its different, and its very unlikely for the parent body of BYOB to change to the parent body of PPY.”

At the present time both BYOBP and BLOPPY are p r e d o m i n a n t l y cranking out girls with an equally strong desire to marry learning boys, who choose not to go to college (Lakewood type). There might be slight differences, but definitely not huge difrences. My daughters’ Sem friends from BLOPPY say their BLOPPY classmates have very similar Frumkeit ideals, and therefore they are really pretty interchangeable.