Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year


“Education is a necessity. At least homeschooling is pikuach nefesh, if one cannot go to the standard type of school. So if you wont homeschool, tuition is a necessity!”

If you won’t homeschool (at least make the effort), you can coop. If you can’t coop, you can try to hire out of work teachers with others to reduce costs. There are ways.

The problem is we’ve been running a school system where most people cannot afford to cover their basic tuition. We haven’t fixed the problem because there were enough donations coming in. Now donations have stopped – how do we fix the system without throwing money at the problem?

I wonder if sending younger kids to public school (like grades 1-3) would help. Thats 3 years tuition free AND thats young enough where parents are qualified to teach the basics. But I don’t think parents would do that…