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Why Do I Even Bother:
They will sink their own ship. Every business fires workers when there is less demand. Just look at today’s economy. If BYOBP is ruled by the workers instead of the hanhala, the hanhala really should quit and see what happens (Who is John Gault!).
I didn’t think it possible, but I will feel even less bad if and when the school closes. They had the chance to save it, but didn’t have the guts to do so.
Joseph: I am still waiting on you for an idea.
Jothar: My understanding is that there were SOME (not all by a long shot) gedolim who decided that the talmidai chachomim of Europe needed to be repopulated by any means neccessary, creating a situation of “Eis La’asos”, and allowing everyone to accept public funds to only learn (as they “may” become a talmid chachom), not to prepare themselves for community service (which is the only Heter as per the Lechem Mishna (if I remember correctly) on the Rambam quoted on the subject), and not caring about the consequences. This view has become “Mainstream Yeshiva World”, with MO, Chassidim (I think) and others (including our family’s Rosh Yeshiva) rejecting this theory.
PM or Joseph: Can you confirm, or offer an alternate theory why this was allowed.