Reply To: Non-Jewish Books

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Thank G-d, i really hoped i might

if i can inspire you further, i used to be a tv addict, walked in the house every night, sat on the sofa and turned it on; and before i put my foot on the gas, the radio was turned on. newspaper every day. magazines at work. i loved science fiction and fantasy novels. i read maybe fifty a year. none of that any longer. i am literally a new person.

but if you dont know why it is important, it can be more difficult. take it slowly. try to commit to no secular books for 40 days. Chazal say it takes 40 days for a major change. think hard about why you are doing it. think about your eternal existence. think about what Hashem provides you with every day. think about his love for you. think about what He wants from you. then make a commitment.

May Hashem give you strength.