Reply To: Non-Jewish Books

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Pashuteh Yid

Kilobear, didn’t the gemara learn the extent of Kibud Av Vaem from an idol worshipper named Dama ben Nesina? Where is your source that everything in the world that is not Jewish or frum is bad? I am also rather surprised at your statement that American democracy is as bad as Ahmadinejad. I believe all the gedolim have said the US is a medinah of chesed. The US is not perfect, as with the St. Louis ship episode, but we have much to be happy and proud about and to be thankful to the RBSH for all this goodness. When I take a car ride with my kids on vacation, my heart literally swells from seeing all this goodness.

Speaking of non-Jewish books, I suppose you wouldn’t approve of the non-Jewish song “America the Beautiful”, either. From my perspective, I find it one of the most inspiring and beautiful songs ever written, and think it is pure hakaras hatov to the RBSH as it says: G-d shed his grace on thee. This is what I mean when I say there are good people all around us, and many are not Jewish. I believe the writer of this song was one who truly felt the goodness which we have here in the USA and wanted to thank G-d for it with his whole heart.

I am told that a generation ago, frum yeshivas used to sing these patriotic songs before class. Now because we are so much more “advanced” than our parents’ generation, it is beneath our dignity to do so.