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As an aside, I always wondered the following about the following question that perhaps someone from the “Chazal knew all of science” chevra can answer?

Who dropped the ball on the cure for cancer?

If Chazal knew all of science, they must have also had a cure for cancer. They got it from Moshe, who passed it to Yehoshua, to the Nevi’im, etc., down to Chazal.

Now, perhaps it’s true that even if Chazal had the cure, they didn’t have the infrastructure to mass produce it. But they must have transmitted the cure down to the generations, as they did with the rest of the Torah.

That being the case, I’m fairly certain that today we have the infrastructure to mass produce and distribute medication. However, I don’t see any of today’s rabbanim coming forward with a cure to this terrible disease. I would presume, therefore (and please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) that today’s rabbanim don’t have this cure – i.e., it’s been lost.

That means that somewhere along the way, the transmission of this was broken. If so, who broke the chain? Who lost the cure for cancer?

The Wolf