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Yes, Chazal have wrote about the wonders of the universe. All over Shas and Medroshim. And btw why do you need anybody to write a book a bout it? Go on a hike in the woods, look at the stars, you’ll be astounded about the briah. Besides, science books nowadays are laden with kfirah which is ossur to read. When I used to be in yeshiva they forced me to go to science class and they were talking about a certain type of worm that I forget what exactly was but the point is the science book said, “It is so wondrous of a creature that it’s as if it was programmed by a programmer. But we know that it really just evolved blahh blah ” The science book couldn’t admit it! I don’t get it what’s your rush to learn science? I was forced to learn it, and it was pretty boring! I was always nispoel from the briah not science books – they made it boring and disgusting!