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Several posters in this thread have discounted science by insisting that Hashem created the world in 6 24 hour days, 5770 years ago, insisting on a literal translation. What’s being ingnored is miforshim who reconcile the apparent age of the world ( including fossils) by explaining that the pre-flood world had different physical characteristics than our own ( witness lifespans exceeding 500 years ). and that “day” in Breishis were millions of years in duration.

However,they have a right to insist on a leteral translation here, just be consistent. Yehudah’s relationship with Tamar therefor, by their reasoning, requires a literal translation and is what it is. Same with the behaviour of the shvatim in the sale of Yoseph, the idol worhip of Bnei Yisroel throughout Tanach etc.