Reply To: Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money?

Home Forums Yom Tov Yom Kippur Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money? Reply To: Kapparos: Chickens, Fish, or Money?


It’s okay Jothar. No one said you’ll get Gehenim for using money. 🙂

But as for the rest of us, allow us to do as Rav Chaim Kanievsky does in peace.

To do what the Remo in Shulchon Oruch states is a custom of pious people and should not be disregarded. And the Remo regards kaporos (with a chicken) as a Minhag Vasikin, a venerated practice that one must not neglect.

And as the Rosh, the Tur, the Maharal, Mishna Berura, Eliya Rabo, Kitzur Shulchon Oruch, Chayei Adam, Ramban, Kaf Hachaim, Pri Megadim, Arizal, Ben Ish Chai, Kaf Hachaim, and Rav Ovadia Yosef would like us to do as well.

I hope you don’t mind. 🙂