Reply To: Finding Jobs in Israel

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If you have skills and are willing to work there are jobs out there, there are of course a lot of people looking so its not the easiest time to find one, but no one every said it was easy. Persistence will pay off!

Nefesh B’ Nefesh and the AACI have very good job boards. Israemploy is also very good but you have to pay a few shekels (I think 25nis/month). If you are in a computer field check out Jacob Richman’s CJI (Computer Jobs in Israel) which is a newsletter that comes out every week or two.

You can also try sending feelers to Janglo and TAAnglo.

And if you know Java well send me an email, we are looking for a programmer in Petach Tikva. ([email protected])

If I can be any more help please feel free to email me, Its always a privilege to help someone get working.