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As someone who actually lives in eretz yisroel & has seen HUNDREDS of families who have moved here over the years I can only offer one piece of advice & I can’t express it in strong enough terms.

If you have children between the ages of ten & twenty – DON”T COME!!

It is mammash suicidal. They don’t do well in school (the average ten year old israeli kid is on the level of a seventeen year old american) & from there it’s all downhill.


If your oldest is less then ten or your youngest is over twenty – by all means,feel free to come. Otherwise – forget it!

Don’t come & tell me that you know a few families in that situation that did well. That doesn’t change the facts.

Ask any professional in israel who deals with “kids at risk” & they will confirm what i’ve written.

Please rabbosai, don’t attack me for this, I’m just trying to save fellow yidden from getting sucked in to this fantasy that they will come to Israel & everything will be wonderful.

I can also say that I know many proffesionals who came here with a fair amount of money & have been unable to find employment. They have literally been reduced to living off tzedaka. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A JOB LINED UP – DON’T COME!

One final word of caution. If you do come & ignore my advice – PLEASE LEAVE AMERICAN IDEAS & VALUES BEHIND. Don’t complain to your kids that the rules in the schools are too strict etc. It’s a surefire recipe for disaster. Just learn to live within the system & keep your mouth shut. For better or for worse, this is how it is over here. If you are going to complain it will only be couter-productive. If you are not prepared to accept it – DON’T COME!!

Again, please understand, I am only trying to help you.