Reply To: Music and “Spiritual Health”

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My Rosh Hayeshiva ZT”L said it’s better to listen to classical music, or klezmer or chazzanus sung by mechallelei shabbos, than “amaleikishe” Jewish music of today. The difference- when they sang (or composed in the case of the classical composers) they were inspired. The ONLY exception he made was Wagner- not because he was a rasha, but because his music was written to inspire pagan thoughts. Music definitely has an effect. However, it’s not something to ban. My Rosh Hayeshiva used to use, as a moshol, the story of the conductor of an orchestra. the whole audience is enjoying the symphony, and the conductor is wincing because one of the 100+ pieces is slightly off. If you don’t hear something off, then it’s a good performance. Those who don’t hear anything wrong with wild Jewish music will be turned off by any attempt to ban it.