Reply To: Tznius

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Tznius Reply To: Tznius


Actually NY Mom – I am still unclear and I guess will remain so

See, I just can’t understand as a baalas teshuva what is up with the labels.

Oh how HATE them. The idea that one could be identified as a MO Jew seems to be automatically substandard.

And on the flip side the Yeshivish crowd far superior – so they think.

I am not labeled in fact I don’t really fit into any specific category totally other than Jewish. Its really nice.

I am educated, and work outside of the home not in the chinuch world so it may appear that I’m MO. I cover my hair and do not wear pants, am shomer shabbos, kashrus and taharas hamishpacha.

So as you stated some MO wear short sleeves and some wear pants and some ……….why the need to generalize? It really becomes not so tziusdik to speak in such ways, IMO