Reply To: Tznius

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Please explain when long loose fitting skirts/dresses became untzniusdik and the same for denim; who made up these fake regulations? Our women are not sluts and if it was tzniusdik for many years; what changed in the halacha?

Also, let’s suggest that women show some m’siras nefesh and add a few inches to their waists and a chin or two so they will be less attracting to the our men who want to sometimes take a walk outside. Their husbands can be moser nefesh for the cause too.

And women, I know it’s great that you have all your hair covered, but that shaitel, you know the one that we tried to get you to wear for many years; well it’s just too good. Get rid of it!

From the sound of some of these posts, I want to institute a new g’zeira: Women should not be looking at other women: at how they dress, what kind of sheitel they have on, what kind of make up they wear, their shoes, their bodies.


And it is also the cause of lots of sinas chinam and loshon hara.

So women and men, if it bothers you, no peeking.