Reply To: 6 Simple Ways To Save Energy At Home

Home Forums Around the House 6 Simple Ways To Save Energy At Home Reply To: 6 Simple Ways To Save Energy At Home


omg! thank g-d i dont smell any of u guys! new revised version of 6 ways to save energy or just 6 ways to live life that hashem has granteed u”

i think the 6 ways to save nrg st home is:

1: stay calm

2: stay cool 3:stay collective(whatever!)

4: remeber the most important word is thank you

5: davening to hashem for anything and anything at anty given time because life is a gift treasure every moment and thank hashem for everrysecond- shsould be #1

6: by helping and encouragin others u ar ehelping urself

hope this is the way people live in some places