Reply To: Working Mothers – How Do You Find the Strength?

Home Forums Family Matters Working Mothers – How Do You Find the Strength? Reply To: Working Mothers – How Do You Find the Strength?


I don’t have 5 kids yet, and I’m not up to the homework stage. I work full time, but don’t have the typical schedule. Without going into specifics about how I manage, because I’m not sure what exactly you are referring to when you say preparing for the next day, I will say that it is just not possible to do everything. Something has to go. As for me, I hardly do any housework and cleaning. I have a little bit cleaning help, but other than that I just live with a messy apartment. A lot of people wouldn’t be able to handle that, so you have to find something else to give up on or “outsource” if you can afford it. Make a list of things that need to get done in order of priority, with things like meals and laundry at the top, and find things at the bottom that you just have to give up on. Good luck, it’s not easy.