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I am really surprised and disturbed by this whole thread.
What is the purpose of it? I think Feif Un is correct when he said that it is only to bash the MO.
But why? If you believe that your derech is correct then follow your beliefs. But is it necessary to attack others? Is it necessary to cause bad feelings between different groups in the frum oilam? Do you think that you are going to be changing anyone’s mindset with your comments? Well you’re not. By attacking people it is only making people feel angry toward you and the “Ultra-orthodox” – whatever that means! (It’s actually a goyishe term to label frum people and try to marginalize us.)
One of the messages of Sukkos is achdus! That is one of the reasons why we take the lulav, esrog, hadassim, and aravos together. One explanation is that they represent all types of Jews and they we should be b’achdus.
The gedolei hador R’ Moshe Feinstein and R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky respected ALL Jews, no matter their religious affiliations. We need to emulate our gedolim in this respect.
You want a chumra? Be machmir in onaas devarim!