Reply To: Modern Orthodox Judaism

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NY Mom

Joseph: I did re-read the posts by anonymouslysecret and modernorthodox. I even took the time to read most of the OP. Now, I will say that the tone of the OP is not mean and yes, much of it is just quotes from MO personalities.

Anonymouslysecret did say, Joseph: I want to thank you for posting the compilation of essays. It clarified many things for me.

However, I would say this to you. The length of the OP does not encourage others to actually read it, and if your intention was to begin an “intellectual argument/discussion”, it would have been wise to introduce your topic with that disclaimer. A few words dedicated to saying that you don’t mean this as an attack, but rather a springboard for discussion, might have mitigated some of the other reactions that you elicited. It is obvious that it took you a lot of time and effort to compile all that information. I think had you posted some of it and then as the discussion progressed, brought out more of the information, that would have been preferable.

Also, I think that the thrust of the discussion gives validity to your detractors, because when it comes down to it, you may not have said this, but the main message boils down to “Modern Orthodoxy = not good”. And if you don’t think that is true, re-read some of the other posts that are backing you up. The instinctive response would be defensiveness on the part of many who either define themselves as MO or have a close relationship with MO people.

I know others have said this, but if I were to begin a thread quoting the the GR”A on why chassidus is wrong, and then brought in facts to back it up, without stating my intentions, I would be targeted for attacks based on my fundamental position. You have to admit, it would seem be a divisive thing to do.