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Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach has written more than once regarding Rav Kook “Mara d’Arah D’Yisroel, Mori Verabi Harav Hagaon R’ A.Y. Kook zecher kodosh levrocho”. When some mosad asked his opinion about hiring a prospective rebbi, R’ Shlomo Zalman advised against it, since that individual spoke disperpectfully about R’ Kook.

Nobody can accuse R’ Shlomo Zalman of being modern orthodox, or Zionist, yet people a quick to quote him when it fits their aggenda, forgetting that they way they speak of his rebbi was considered extremely disrespectful and wrong by him.

In the same breath that quotes R’ Hutner, one can be disparaging toward those whom R’ Hutner held to be his own teachers and guides. R’ Miller, z’l, who was adamantly opposed to Internet use, is being quoted upon everything but the topic he so much opposed, and on a web page, no less. The list goes on, as do the postings of “selected readings” of those that the posters consider to be correct in a particular topic, when it fits with their own pre- and mis- conceived notions.