Reply To: Jeans

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” In the times of the gemara, only the rabbonim wore them. “

So what did the rest of the guys put on their heads? Guaranteed there were no Borsalinos in those days.

People have correctly posted that jeans were invented by a Jew, Levi Strauss.

People have also pointed out that chassidim adopted the garb of the Polish non-Jews, and looking at them today, one would never know that their levush is non-Jewish in origin.

So which form of dress is goyish and which is not? When the chassidic garb was adopted, it was during “modern” times for those chassidim (though it is the past history for us). So they actually were wearing modern-day non-Jewish clothing. AMAZING! And yet, when someone points out that the subject of some 135-140 posts were actually invented by a Yid, there are people who adamantly refuse to admit that this is so. And the argument that certain winter non-Jewish hioliday songs were written by Jews shows that that does not automatically confer Jewish status on something, is misleading. Those songs clearly and absolutely are defined by their non-Jewish holiday content. Unless I see a tzeilem or some other clearly non-Jewish icon on those jeans, I have no reason to follow that same line of thought as the music issue provoked. Clothing made by a Jew is Jewish clothing, unless there is reason to think otherwise. whether or not one chooses to wear it, is that person’s personal preference. it can be a matter of taste or the feeling that it is more religiously decorous, but it is not something that should be referred to as “goyishe clothing,” in my opinion.