Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading


Hey NY Mom – way to go!!!

As I have said before, I firmly believe that teenage girls need to be told that very often their choice of attire is simply not attractive. What is the purpose of dressing a certain way? Meaning am I trying to get negative attention? Or am I trying to get ANY attention?

Oh how I wish those girls could hear what the boys that they try to “show off” for are saying…

Dressing stylishly is ok with me – I also take a certain pride in how I look. The difference being I am not wearing very form fitting clothes, or flashy styles. Other areas of tzius, well I am a work in progress