Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading


I am not claiming to be the most Tzniot individual out there, but I’d like to express my opinion on the matter. Women are intelligent beings, but they are human as well, so you can understand how dressing Tzniot can be a challenge.

The intellectual part of us asks;

Why dress in this specific manner, What are the reasonings to do so, How should one know what is permitted and what isn’t?

Our materialistic instinct suggest;

But this outfit is so cute, If She can dress like that so can I, But this outfit compliments my figure so well.

People need to be educated in something before they can commit to it. There should be Tzniot classes that offer a wider spectrum of “levels.” You can’t have a former Bais Yaakov student learning at the same “speed” as someone who never learned their Aleph Bet. When they hold these Tzniot meetings, most of the women who should be going don’t because they are afraid of the reactions they might get when stepping into a room full of very Tzniot clad women. Most of the women who know the rules and reasons are getting REeducated, while those who don’t attend, don’t even have the step to guide them into Modesty.

(p.s. There are several women from Bais Yaakov backgrounds, who are starting from scratch as well).