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Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading


Gezunheit, I haven’t discussed this with my Rav because I know I wouldn’t listen to his psak.If he says “too bad you have to cover your hair” (I’ve never heard a heter for hair covering), I wouldn’t be able to do it. And every time he sees me he would know I am NOT following him. I don’t believe in asking about something you know you won’t listen to unless the answer is the way you want it.

Ames, do you think I’m crazy? LOL I think I have some sort of sensory issue. When I was a kid there were times I would feel like I was choking, no matter how loose my neckline was. I still get that feeling sometimes, but luckily it hasn’t been in public so its not a problem to remove anything close to my neck (including my necklace).

NYMom, why is it brave? I’m not afraid of being judged. I never said what I am doing is right, just that I do it. And any man who is reading this thread isn’t supposed to be, so he can’t throw it back at me LOL. Thanks for the offer to call, but if she quit, she probably is not a good source of information.

Anon, those still apply too much pressure.

I feel especially bad because this was something that was really important to my husband before we got married. He knew my mother didnt cover her hair and he explained that to him it was essential. He asked me for one thing and I couldn’t do it.