Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading Reply To: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading


About the word tznius – I think when you compliment someone on their outfit and say “because its tznius” in some version, the compliment comes over insincere. My husband’s grandmother said this to me once and it just sort of made me roll my eyes.

About the ergo: its more expensive but WELL worth the money. Its much more comfortable and can be used up to 35 lbs. I can carry my toddler in it as well. It can also be used as a backpack carrier. I hated the Snugli I had and it ended its useful life really early. You can actually nurse pretty discreetly in an ergo when you are on the go (per video instructions on their site), which I haven’t tried. I would only do it with a shawl or something over obviously, but it is intriging since this baby wants to nurse for HOURS (quite literally).

You can also make a moby wrap pretty easily. Just google instructions.