Reply To: IS There a Shidduch Crisis??

Home Forums Shidduchim IS There a Shidduch Crisis?? Reply To: IS There a Shidduch Crisis??

Be Happy

I run a large shdduch group. We try to be helpful and understanding as to the wants of parents/ and perspective shidduchim.

However in the last few months the reuirements have become such that makes suggesting shidduchim difficult.

The typical list I get from parents runs like this:

1. Money – at least half an apartment

2. Five years “kest”

3. Girl can be up to size 6

4. Girl must have good job

5. Boy must be at least 5.8 inches

6. Boy should write a sefer etc

What hapened to MIDDOS?? My Fatherz2l told me to look for partners for my children that will keep them happy.

While parents are being unrealistic there will be a crisis.