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Cherrybim: The numbers were not “made up”. As for the numbers where derived…

After speaking to one of the actuaries who conducted the study.

Growth Rate was computed based on comparing grade to grade growth in schools. This data was taken primarily from a study done by the Avi Chai foundation.

Additionally the growth rate was computed based on average family size. The average family size was deduced based on a survey undertaken for this purpose by professionals in a mathematical related field.

Should you want to sponsor a survey by a professional demographer i’m sure it will be most welcome. However, to date no substantive dissent to the data that was uncovered created a push for more research on the seemingly obvious notion of significant population growth.

Dating Ages: Was computed based on a survey conducted for this purpose by professionals in a mathematical related field.

Additionally (related specifically to the yeshivish community) information from BMG, the largest conglomerate of single dating age boys in the country, yielded an average starting dating age of 22.75+. Whereas girls typically begin dating a short time after returning from seminary which is approximately 19 years old.

As an aside: most people in the community find this theory to be self evident. If you have any specific issues with any of the findings please contact NASI and I’m sure they can put you in touch with the the professionals who did the research.