Reply To: Cantorial Music

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MM, My comments were not aimed at Cherrybim, and my apologies to Cherrybim if Cherrybim thought they were.

Music was an integral part of the avodah in the beis hamikdosh. Music can inspire and elevate. Rav Shach ZT”L said that he should have sang more zemiros by his Shabbos table, which would have given his kids more geshmak than Divrei Torah. Rabbi Twerski from Milwaukee says singing in shul is a key part of giving people warm memories of shul. I used to feel so uplifted when I was a child in shul and the chazzan sang Menzelefsky’s Mimkomcha. I once passed by someone getting into his car Friday night, and he was singing “Shalom Aleichem”. Rav Yisroel Grossman does kiruv by walking into pubs full of Israelis during elul and singing Sephardi selichot, which gets jaded, pleasure-seeking secular Israeli youths crying. The Orchos Tzaddikim (shaar ha’ahavah)says one should sing zemiros to develop a dveyjus to Hashem. All of this is perfectly true.

That said, I don’t get my oneg Shabbos or Oneg Yom tov from listening to someone drey a kup and trying to show off his voice. There are some for whom that is their Oneg Shabbos, especially the chazzan. but it’s not mine. Assuming the chazzan follows halacha, I have no religious objection to it. But it’s not my cup of compote. Al taam va’reach…