Reply To: The Post-Shidduch Crisis

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I already have read his article(s). I still respectfully do not agree with all that he says, and since it is not a matter of halacha, I can have a different perspective based on my own conversations with some of those same people. The fact that someone is a Rov does not also mean his opinion in non-halachic matters is the only valid one. To believe otherwise is not a matter of kovod harav, but naivete. Rabbanim are subject to the same prejudices, foibles, and errors of judgment that we all are. Let’s try to not deify them. I have spoken to this rov and his wife many times, and respect ALL of what he says, but happen to disagree with some of it. Period.

Many women want out of their marriages for reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with those things that were mentioned. Like everything else today, all the ills of religious society are being blamed on these things. If someone is in a car accident and dies chalilah, it’s not because he was driving carelessly or was too sleepy to drive, or ran a stop sign, it’s because of the internet, or because girls are wearing slits in their skirts. While unquestionably there IS a problem with abuse of the internet, and tznius could be improved greatly, we need to start assigning blame where it belongs – on the husband who surfs the internet for porn, which he could filter from his computer, or the wife who feels unfulfilled and chooses to flirt with men instead of doing her job at work. When couples socialize together, it is pretty obvious if someone is acting or speaking inappropriately, and that is a social relationship that needs to be ended. But it is not the fault of socializing in general, nor is it the fault of living in a computer age. All things need to be done with seichel and moderation, and the yetzer hara is present in ALL things and aspects of life, so maybe we should just lock ourselves up in a tiny room and never go outside our daled amos.