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Mrs. Beautiful:
“so how do you explain the fact that in the chasidishe world there are less divorces?”
This topic has been chewed up on other threads. Most people would retort back at you saying that “it is a bigger taboo to get divorced in the chassidishe community than it is outside said community”. Or they will say that “the chassidishe women are willing to take more abuse”, or “that the men are better at hiding it, for fear of getting kicked out of the communuty”, etc…..
The lack of divorces in the chassidishe world does not mean that they have healthy marriages (even with their strict guidelines). Couples who do get divorced outside the chassidishe community are doing it to have a better life, not because they like getting divorced.
You and Jothar (with his quotes) can blame divorces on having guests over or the internet, but in the end it comes down to the couple. President Truman used to have a sign on his desk “the buck stops here”. Meaning that, in the end, he takes responsibility of everything. My generation has got to learn to start taking responsibility instead of blaming every external factor that they can think of.