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This is a good idea as there are people who can give/get help for their children based on real experiences. I had issues in elementary school where I didnt fit in with the class… hashkafically we were different, they weren’t as frum and careful about certain mitzvos as my family was ect. Note to parents: even if it may be difficult, dont tell your children that “one more year and then you’ll fit in” or “just get used to the place”. Really look at the school to see if it is the right fit. Just because one kid in the family fits in, the education is wonderful…just remember that there is more to a school than textbooks. While that is a major part and you should not send your kids to a place that turns out illiterate and uneducated students,pay attention to the type of kids that are in your kid’s class. Sometimes it is the class that is problematic and maybe you can switch classes for the kid. Switching schools may also be a help. But if this is not possible, make sure that your kids hang around after school with the right type of students. And have a strong home where your kids learn to say “no” and “we dont hold by that hechsher” or “we dont watch that/do that sort of thing” in a polite and proper way.