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Perhaps someone here can explain something to me. The only reason we learn things is for their practical use, otherwise they are useless? In that case, we should not learn anything about geography or history- and that would INCLUDE Jewish history, because it serves no practical purpose. I thought the purpose of going to school was to become educated so that we could live as functioning members of society. As Jews we are proud of our history, so why should we not know at least the BASICS of American history? Perhaps show just a BIT of gratitude towards the country that, until now, has welcomed us.
As for English, well….just read many of the posts on ANY Jewish website, and you will see (if you have a good command of grammar and the English language) that basic skills such as spelling and proper grammar are sorely lacking.
Where I grew up, at least 50% of the public school children graduated as functioning illiterates- that means that they could get by, but they are for all intents and purposes illiterate. I want my children to be better than that, and I plan on sending my children to a school that has a VERY good secular department as well as a very good Judaic studies department, and I will demand a solid education for them.