Reply To: Children and Prizes–Hindering Intrinsic Self Worth

Home Forums Family Matters Children and Prizes–Hindering Intrinsic Self Worth Reply To: Children and Prizes–Hindering Intrinsic Self Worth


bombmaniac (and what IS that username about, anyway?) , I come from the Olden Days, and life was much more plesant, less stressfull, and people were more normal with each other. There were no tznius problems, and even people who dressed inappropriately by the accepted tznius standards today (i.e. sleeveless dresses, shorts, uncovered hair in married women), still ACTED modestly and morally. People could safely send their kids out to play all day, knowing they would come back at suppertime. No one was doing drugs, and most kids who were brought up frum, stayed frum. Yes, we may have had fewer machines to do our work for us, and clearly there are many pluses to living nowadays, but please do not put down the past. We had a decent life then, and our kids were respectful and good kids, who said please and thank you, yes ma’am, and no sir and stood up when an adult walked into the room.