Reply To: Children and Prizes–Hindering Intrinsic Self Worth

Home Forums Family Matters Children and Prizes–Hindering Intrinsic Self Worth Reply To: Children and Prizes–Hindering Intrinsic Self Worth


positiveaynayim; Nobody will argue with you about the importance of verbal

encouragement, proper chinuch, and letting the kids know there is more to

yiddishkeit then all this the prizes and rewards, however, speaking from experience with kids, i can tell you that a prize/reward sweetens the deal, and kids

always appreciate it if done in a proper way.

1) working hard, 2)getting rewarded, 3)feeling the prize was deserved.

It seem to me that you are not talking about prizes, rather about people who

don’t know how to be proper mechanchim. Just like discipline is very necessary

tool in Chinuch, however done the wrong way can be catastrophic.

We need to educate our Teachers. A freilichin Chanukah!