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Pashuteh Yid

In some ways, the idea of putting Menorahs everywhere maintains an image that Judaism is normal and popular. Just the same as advertising. Why does Coke constantly have to run ads when everybody already knows about the drink? They do it to keep drumming it into people’s heads that it is cool and popular and American and you are a nerd if you don’t drink it. You need to keep reminding people over and over that Coke is the thing.

Similarly, if people keep seeing a lot of Menorahs all over, they subconsciously get the message that Jews are a normal and cool people too, and just as American as everybody else. This may be very good for public school kids so they are not ashamed to maintain some Jewish identity which may eventually lead to their wanting to know more.

I thought it was a positive thing that for a number of years the most popular TV show was Seinfeld, just because he is openly Jewish. (Look, I am not saying I watched it, Mods.) It does mean there is a level of acceptance of Jewish people in the USA and this implies a decrease in anti-semitism. We are lucky to be living in a country which overall has been so kind to us.