Reply To: Good Bachurim Can Smoke?! What’s the Purim Heter?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Good Bachurim Can Smoke?! What’s the Purim Heter? Reply To: Good Bachurim Can Smoke?! What’s the Purim Heter?


AGUG: YOU R TOTALLY WRONG. smoking is totally assur. I don’t say it, my rav doesn’t say it, the TORAH says it as i mentioned in my last post. If someone smokes continuously he is GUARRANTeeING himself a shorter lifetime. IT IS MEDICALLY PROVEN that it caused cancer c”v, so how can you possibly say that it isn’t assur. why would a bachur start smoking??WHY?? WHY in all the out of town yeshivos are so many bachurim smoking a pack-a-day. AGUG, if you want to see what smoking causes just go to the famouse cancer center in manhattan, YOU WILL SEE OVER THERE, and your opionion will change instantly.