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In fact the clinic for foreigners that I went to in Moscow employed Canadian, UK and Australian doctors who wanted to earn real money and be free from the stifling bureaucracy and limits on the level of care they could provide back home.

Unfortunately, the French-Asian firm which owned the clinic I used went too far and ran a bit of a fraud scheme themselves on the backs of healthy and well insured “lifestyle” (allergy, skin, high cholesterol, corporate physical, well child checkups etc) patients like myself and the doctors burned out or left due to ethical considerations. I realized what was going on when I wanted to buy cardiac aspirin and the doctor immediately offered to put it on my insurance, which would have meant a bill of $10 plus another diagnosis and therefore another consulting fee from CIGNA rather than $1.25 from me. I refused to let that happen both on moral grounds and because I could end up being put on a watch list of coverage abusers.

They would go so far as to ask me “Do you want anything else”? and I would of course reply, “Sure, whatever I can sell on the street!”

They were replaced eventually by Asians.

Its more properly run competitor, which did not accept my insurance, retained its foreign professionals, including Americans.