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Just proves my point.

Medicaid, which spends other people’s money, will pay for anything so long as the papers are filed right. That is why we read constantly about Medicaid fraud rings; the entitlement insurance programs are an easy target.

The private insurance, which spends money paid in by its customers, does due diligence. No one dies from a doctor having to prove his diagnosis and treatment; it only makes everyone do his job better. Besides, this in turn goes back to my experience here in the FSU. I can read. I understand when the lab tech tells me my cholesterol is 250 without the statin and 170 with or whatever my numbers might be. Therefore, I buy the statin, read the patient insert (online because I don’t read Ukrainian but that is besides the point) and I know what to look out for in terms of side effects. Now, that means that my insurance company does not have to worry about the clinic marking up $40 worth of Lipitor to $200 every month and charging $120 to them per visit for 4 visits a year and who knows what they would charge to the company for my annual ten buck blood test. Restore power to the consumer and get rid of the nanny state, and the private insurers will no longer be covering conditions that residents of other countries treat at the pharmacy and laboratory. With my insurance in Moscow I could have gone to the clinic every time I cut myself in the kitchen or bruised myself falling on the ice, and walked out with an OTC preparation billed as an RX, billed to CIGNA at 4x the highest street price along with the magic $120 per visit.

People with any insurance are prone to go to the doctor for sniffles, especially when they have time on their hands which a lot of people do now thanks to the leisure ethic of the US and the present situation. People who value time and work for a living, and don’t want nanny state interference, take care of things themselves. At one time, most Americans were the self reliant types. Now, it is the other way around and those who are entrusted with spending our hard earned money have to watch every dime because of abusers, including doctors who get so little now that they look for ways to pad.

This all started with the nanny state and with defensive medicine. Increasing the nanny state will only make Americans worse off in every way.