Reply To: Government Efficiency

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For starters, there are plenty of reasonable accomodations made for handicapped people that have no effect whatsoever on non-handicapped people.

You did not read what I wrote. I did NOT say it had an effect on non-handicapped people. I said it had an effect on people with a DIFFERENT handicap.

Example 1: The government made “cut-out” curbs to make it easier for wheelchairs to negotiate. Blind people no longer knew where the curbs were as they made a smooth transition into the street.

Example 2: Some bureaucrat decided handicapped people need raised toilets. They work fine for people with hip problems. A late friend of mine who had MS couldn’t use the raised toilets. They were too high. Yet she couldn’t get her wheelchair into the non-handicapped stall.

In both those cases, the “correction” helped one type of handicapped individual, but hindered another.

Would you like more? Those two were just off the top of my head, but I’m sure I could find more without too much effort.

And I’m not sure why you say my explanation of what a regulation is has no impact. It certainly does.

If your wife were in a medical situation where halacha DEMANDED she have an abortion to save her life, would you want a government regulation prohibiting ALL abortions?

None of us want toeiva marriage. But is marriage at all a proper function of government? Before you answer, realize that government did not always regulate marriage. That is a fairly recent institution. Marriage used to be left up to the religious institutions.