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Joseph, time is short, but a few things.
1) I started a thread about Scientific remazim which you might like.
2) The business about the Heliocentric vs. the Geocentric theory cannot be defended by relativity. The reason is that the geocentric theory as put forth in the Rambam in beginning of Yad states that there are concentric hard spheres that turn and in which the heavenly bodies are embedded. Simply put, a set of concentric bowls will always have the smaller one in the middle and the bigger ones farther away. You can’t make an argument that the 3rd largest is the center and the others revolve around it. Try it, it won’t work.
3) Why do you in general have such a problem with Chochma Bagoyim Taamin? That is all I and others are saying. Why must you believe that Chazal were superior in non-Torah matters? Rebbe Yehudah Hanasi did not have a problem. Why do you?