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The second serious error is that he presents a 150 year old Christian argument regarding the creator creating an ancient universe that looks young that has no basis in our mesorah. Chas v’shalom that a Jew accept such an argument from a competing religion. I can’t believe that YWN’s moderators allowed such to be posted on a frum site.
Why should they not post it? What do you mean it has no part in our mesora? We know there were 26 generations between the creation of the world and matan torah (2448). We know when the temples were built and how long they stood for. What bothers you charlie? Better we say that science has it wrong or that G-d made it that way to fool those who want to take the bait?
btw, I think it is the Chasam Sofer who states that fossils are only around to fool those who want to be fooled by “science”.
Joseph, I am being genuine in my inquiry about your view of the moon landing. I am curious cause a friend of mine does not believe it happened and claims a “proof” from the “baba sali”