Reply To: Science and Astronomy in the Torah

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I have no doubt that Shlomo Hamelech was very knowledgable about what existed or was known in his time. Perhaps he had ideas that technology could not deal with at the time. So did De Vinci, Jules Verne, and many others. That’s all fine. But did he know quantum mechanics or chromosomal crossover in genetic recombination? Of course not, nor did he need to.

Whoever wrote that Shlomo Hamelech “knew the science behind all these inventions” must have lived recently, in the past hundred years, when all of “these inventions” were invented. He couldn’t have lived before , he would not have known which inventions he was talking about . I believe then, that whoever wrote such a thing had no basis for claiming this knowledge for Shlomo Hamelech. He made up this pseudo-fact because it fit his hashkafah that a long time ago, the leaders of our nation knew everything that could be known in the universe. But that claim is baseless and unnecessary, and in my opinion, destructive.

One can disagree with me, but the nasty epithets are out of line, and I expect that to stop.