Reply To: Pay the Attempted Shadchan?

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People pay for tutors, plumbers, gardenrs etc. this is no different. If a family can’t afford clothing the community helps, this should be no different. A basic expense of life.

Multiplied 20 30 times???? How many girls do you know who have datet 20-30 boys 3x each. The vast majority of boys and girls (certainly in the yeshivshe community) do not date have more than 3 dates with to many prospective matches.

Regarding hiring for a specific community. It does NOT really work. Sure, if you hire one shadchan for 20 girls (like the community your are referring to did) it can help. When a community hires one shadchan for 200 girls it does very little. How is one shadchan supposed to focus on 200 girls????

You don’t know me:

It’s not all or nothing. Any community that begings to implement this “novel” idea of paying shadcahnim for thier efforts will see immediate and measurable results.