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Ben Levi

Pashuteh Yid,

1) Look in Rashi, Rashi is specifically talking about other tragedy’s “Cach He Darko Shel Hakodosh Boruch Hu”

2)I do not know how explaining what to ansewer a Haitian child has anything to do with the Torah Hashkofa on this.

3)Actually I would not particularly care what a Cristian preacher says is the cause of the Holocaust.And whether I like it or not it is Rashi (as well as the Ran in Droshos) who stated the Torah Hashkofa to this event. It is not somethingone can ignorebecause”i would’nt like if a Cristian would say it”

4) Can you please explain which part of the Chazal that I need to understand better?

5) As for Hashems Teffilin, it’s actually a Gemora in Brochos and Hashems Teffilin are not the same as ours and I fail to see how you explain death (all death comes throught the Malach Hamuves)

6) Your statement about talking in shul was actually given as a cause for the Cossack MAssacres we have a specific Mi Sheberach recited in shul to this day specifically as a result of that.

7) Regarding the Holocaust far be it for me to make a statement about that. What I can say is that Rav Shmuel Berenbaum zt’l The Rosh Yeshiva Of Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn who lost his entire extended family in the Holocaust told me personally. ” it was obvious to everyone it was a oinesh for the haskala, Germany is where the Haskala came from, We have a Tochecha we don’t think it’s real Hashem warned us what would happen” (the original statement was made in Yiddish and was part of an hours long discussion mostly about pre-war Europe)

8) As for your understanding of “Am Hanivchor” I would suggest you learn through Derech Hashem as the Ramchal explains it in detail. A hint would be if you would look at Tosfes in Kesubos Daf Gimmel amud Beis. “Afkeireh Rachmona L’zarei D’Mitzri”. Also llok up why a ger is considered “k’kuton shenolad